Act ID: 195824
Act Number: 24
Enactment Date: 1958-08-28
Act Year: 1958
Short Title: The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958
Hindi Title: प्राचीन संस्‍मारक तथा पुरातत्‍वीय स्‍थलऔर अवशेष अधिनियम, 1958
Long Title: An Act to provide for the preservation of ancient and historical monuments and archaeological sites and remains of national importance, for the regulation of archaeological excavations and for the protection of sculptures, carvings and other like objects.
Ministry: Ministry of Culture
Enforcement Date: 15-10-1959
Notification: 15th October, 1959, vide notification No. S. O. 2307, dated 15th October, 1959, see Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, sec. 3(ii).