Act ID: 196059
Act Number: 59
Enactment Date: 1960-12-26
Act Year: 1960
Short Title: The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960
Hindi Title: पशुओं के प्रति क्रूरता का निवारण अधिनियम, 1960
Long Title: An Act to prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals and for that purpose to amend the law relating to the prevention of cruelty to animals.
Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Department: Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Enforcement Date: 01-04-1961
Notification: 1st April, 1961, vide Notification No.S.O.823, dated the 1st April, 1961, in respect of the State of Punjab and the Union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Island, see Gazette of India 1961, Part II, sec. 3(ii). 1st September, 1961, vide Notification No. S.O. 2061, dated the 25th August, 1961, for Chapters I and II in respect of the States of Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Kerala, Madras, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Mysore, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal and the Union territories of Delhi, Manipur and Tripura, see Gazette of India, 1961, Part II, sec. 3(ii). 2nd October, 1961, vide Notification No. S.O. 2286, dated 15th September 1961, Chapters I and II in respect of the Union territory of Himachal Pradesh, Gazette of India, Part II, sec. 3(ii). 26th January, 1962, vide Notification No. S.O. 21, dated 28th December, 1961, provisions of Chapters I and II in respect of the State of Rajasthan, see Gazette of India, Part II, sec. 3(ii). 15th July, 1963, vide Notification No. S.O. 2000, dated 11th July, 1963, Chapter IV in respect of the States of Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Kerala, Madras, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Mysore, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal and in respect of the Union territories of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura, see Gazette of India, Part II, sec. 3(ii). 20th November, 1963, vide Notification No. S.O. 3160, dated 29th October, 1963, Chapters III and VI in respect of the States of Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Kerala, Madras, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Mysore, Orissa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh and in respect of the Union territories of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura, see Gazette of India. Part II, sec. 3(ii). 24th May, 1977, vide Notification No. S.O. 1902, dated 24th May 1977, provisions of Chapter V in respect of all the States and the Union territories to which this Act extends (except the State of Jammu and Kashmir). This Act has been extended to Goa, Daman and Diu by Reg. 11 of 1963, s. 3 and Sch. and comes into force in Pondicherry vide Reg. 7 of 1963, s. 3 and Sch.I (w.e.f. 1-10-1963). and brought into force in Dadra and Nagar Haveli by Reg. 6 of 1963, s. 2 and Sch. I (w.e.f. 1-7-1965).