Act ID: 201235
Act Number: 35
Enactment Date: 2012-08-30
Act Year: 2012
Short Title: The Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Act, 2012
Hindi Title: राजीव गांधी राष्‍ट्रीय युवा विकास संस्‍थान अधिनियम, 2012
Long Title: An Act to declare the institution known as the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, to be an institution of national importance and to provide for its incorporation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Ministry: Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Department: Department of Youth Affairs
Enforcement Date: 19-11-2012
Notification: 19th November, 2012, vide notification No. S.O. 2747(E), dated 19th November, 2012, see Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, sec. 3(ii).
