Section 121. Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging of war, against the Government of India. Previous Next Whoever wages war against the 1[Government of India], or attempts to wage such war, or abets
the waging of such war, shall be punished with death, or 2[imprisonment for life] 3[and shall also be liable
to fine]. 4[Illustrationic] 5***A joins an insurrection against the 1[Government of India]. A has committed the offence defined in this section. 6* * * * * 1. Subs. by the A. O. 1950, for "Queen". 2. Subs. by 26 of 1955, s. 117 and the Sch., "for transportation for life" (w.e.f. 1-1-1956). 3. Subs. by Act 16 of 1921, s. 2, for :and shall forfeit all his property". 4. Subs. by Act 36 of 1957, s. 3 and the Second Sch., for "Illustrations" 5. The brackets and letter "(a)" omitted by s. 3 and the Second Sch., ibid. 6. Illustration (b) omitted, by the A. O. 1950. |