Act ID: 195522
Act Number: 22
Enactment Date: 1955-05-08
Act Year: 1955
Short Title: The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955
Hindi Title: सिविल अधिकार संरक्षण अधिनियम, 1955
Long Title: An Act to prescribe punishment for the preaching and practice of Untouchability for the enforcement of any disability arising therefrom and for matters connected therewith.
Ministry: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Department: Department of Social Justice and Empowerment
Enforcement Date: 01-06-1955
Notification: 1st June, 1955, vide notification No. S.R.O. 1109(E), dated the 23rd May, 1955, see Gazette of India, 1955, Extraordinary Part II, s. 3.