Act ID: 196632
Act Number: 32
Enactment Date: 1966-11-30
Act Year: 1966
Short Title: The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966
Hindi Title: बीड़ी तथा सिगार कर्मकार (नियोजन की शर्तें)अधिनियम, 1966
Long Title: An Act to provide for the welfare of the workers in beedi and cigar establishments and to regulate the conditions of their work and for matters connected therewith.
Ministry: Ministry of Labour and Employment
Enforcement Date: 10-02-1970
Notification: 10th February, 1970, vide notification No.IIE/2-1/70, dated the 9th February, 1970, in respect of section 3, in the State of Orissa.
Last Updated: 18-03-2019
