Act ID: 200045
Act Number: 45
Enactment Date: 2000-12-08
Act Year: 2000
Short Title: The Coal India (Regulation of Transfers and Validation) Act, 2000
metadata.dc.title.hindi: कोल इंडिया (अन्तरणों का विनियमन औरविधिमान्यकरण) अधिनियम, 2000
Long Title: An Act to empower the Central Government to direct the transfer of the land, or of the rights in or over land or of the right, title and interest in relation to a coal mine, coking coal mine or coke oven plant, vested in the Coal India Limited or in a subsidiary company to any subsidiary company of Coal India Limited or any other subsidiary company and to validate certain transfers of such land or rights.
Ministry: Ministry of Coal
Enforcement Date: 08-12-2000
