Browsing "Andaman and Nicobar Islands" by Short Title

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Showing items 1 to 20 of 66  
Enactment DateAct NumberShort TitleView
14-Sep-200145The advocates welfare fund act, 2001View...
29-Mar-198114The Air ( Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981View...
7-Jun-19794The andaman and nicobar islands administration regulation 1979View...
3-May-19733The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Cooperative Socities Regulation 1973View...
1-Jan-19511The andaman and nicobar islands entertainment tax regulation 1951View...
19-Jul-20123The andaman and nicobar islands excise regulati0n, 2012View...
30-Dec-19645The andaman and nicobar islands home guards regulation 1964View...
30-Jan-19551The andaman and nicobar islands juvenile smoking regulation 1955View...
27-Jun-19881The andaman and nicobar islands khadi and village industries board regulation 1988View...
28-Mar-19632The andaman and nicobar islands land improvement scheme regulation 1963View...
30-Dec-19662The andaman and nicobar islands land revenue and reforms regulation 1966View...
30-Jan-19565The andaman and nicobar islands live-stock improvement regulation 1955View...
18-Dec-20031The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Marine Fishing Regulation, 2003View...
1-Jan-19562The andaman and nicobar islands money lenders regulation 1956View...
23-May-19945The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Municipal Regulation 1994View...
30-Jan-19551The andaman and nicobar islands opium smoking prohibition regulation 1955View...
23-Apr-19941The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Panchayats Regulation 1994View...
24-Jan-19871The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Prevention of Defacement of Property Regulation 1987View...
18-Jun-19563The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Protection of Aboriginal Tribal Regulation, 1956View...